Episode 9: Flight

October 19, 2024

Miria, Olan, & Rayya make a desperate ploy not just to escape Yanghu’s showroom, but to escape in style… but the Gorum are still hunting, and the lizard-man starfighter pilot Sshosk is still between them and freedom.

This episode features transcripts thanks to the openVINO tool kit for Audacity!

The Weapons I’m Using

I have created a set of simple science fiction weapons that the Trassi Syndicate use based on the material in the various Sci-Fi games I have used to inspire the game’s Sci-Fi rules. The prices represent the fact that the materials used to create this equipment cannot be bought on Obros.

Weapon TypeRangeDamageRoFWeightAmmoPrice
Electro-Laser60ft*d8!11/2 lbcharging500gp
Heavy Pulse Laser120ft*4d8118 lbs365,000gp
Laser Assault Rifle240ft*d8!34 lbs242,000gp
Laser Pistol120ft*d10!21 lbs8800gp
Shotgun80ft*2d624 lbs2350gp
Sniper Laser500ft*d12!18 lbs41,200gp
* there is a -2 to attacks beyond this range; the weapon can fire no farther than twice this range.
! indicates an exploding die; on the highest value on the die, roll again and add the next die to the previous total.

Electro-Lasers: draw ambient electricity from the environment. They can be fired once per round only. On a damage roll of 1 they require a round to recharge before the next attack.

Heavy Pulse Lasers: are heavy, bulky weapons that emits rapid-fire streams of laser fire, and can either grant the wielder a +2 to hit or make an attack against all enemies in a 30ft. cone. The ammunition is a backpack battery.

Laser Assault Rifle: An assault rifle can use up 12 rounds to deal 4d8 damage in a fully automatic burst and gain a +2 to hit this uses up all attacks in the round.

Shotguns: are at +2 to attack a single target. It can be used to attack up to 3 targets at once as long as they are within 5ft of each other.


ArmorArmor ClassWeightCost
Nanoweave Fabric7 [12]1/2 lb.1,200gp
Light Composite Armor6 [13]4 lbs400gp
Medium Composite Armor4 [15]8 lbs800gp
Heavy Composite Armor2 [17]16 lbs1,600gp

Nanoweave: does not require a proficiency in armor to wear, and does not interfere with magic.

Composite Armors: All count as light armor, any class proficient in leather armor can wear Light or medium composite armor, andy calss capable of wearing chainmail may wear heavy composite armor.

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